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These are our most recent articles. Also see which stocks have been this week’s best and worst performers.
Nike (NKE): A Quality Dividend Growth Stock Down Over 20%
Since its founding in sleepy Beaverton, Oregon, in 1964, Nike (NKE) has grown into the world’s most dominant sports apparel supplier, and 18th most valuable brand in the world. Along the way they have made countless long-term dividend investors very rich. In fact, from 2006 through 2015, Nike has returned 20.9% per year (including dividends) compared to the S&P 500’s 7.4% annual return. However, over the past year, concerns over slowing sales, increasing competition from the likes of Adidas (ADDDF) and Under Armour (UA), and falling margins have sent shares nose diving over 20%. Learn if the king of sports apparel could be unseated from its throne and if this recent sell off makes now a reasonable [...]
StoneMor Partners (STON): Another Lesson on Dividend Safety
StoneMor Partners (STON) was the latest master limited partnership (MLP) to shock investors with a distribution cut (learn about the main risks of investing in MLPs here). After increasing its distribution each year since 2005, Stonemor announced last week that its third quarter distribution would be reduced by 50% to 33 cents per share. Even worse, StoneMor’s stock collapsed 45% on Friday. Many dividend investors are wondering how this happened, especially after management’s comments about STON’s distribution less than three months ago on August 5th: “We are encouraged by the positive metrics we’re seeing from our recent sales initiatives and when combined with lower operating expenses, will allow us to continue providing attractive distributions to our unit holders.” [...]
Citigroup (C): Speculative Megabank or Future Dividend Growth Machine?
Citigroup (C) more than tripled its quarterly dividend earlier this year, but few people can forget the terror of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Unlike our favorite recession-resistant dividend stocks, some of the world’s largest financial institutions were on the brink of utter collapse and threatened to plunge the global economy into a prolonged depression. Citigroup was among the largest of the megabanks to require a government bailout, with the US government pumping $45 billion into the bank in order to cover losses on $301 billion in toxic mortgage assets. However, since that time new regulations and a new management team at Citigroup have made an impressive, if still incomplete turnaround. This could create potential for long-term, deep value [...]
What Dividend Investors Need to Know about AT&T’s Time Warner Acquisition
AT&T (T) recently agreed to acquire Time Warner (TWX), and this deal has a number of implications for dividend investors. AT&T believes it is buying “the world’s best premium content” and now has the largest film and TV studio in the world. Assuming the deal isn’t blocked by regulators, Time Warner will represent roughly 15% of AT&T’s total revenues. While the strategic implications of this deal are very important, many dividend investors are wondering what it means for the safety and growth potential of AT&T’s dividend. Shares of AT&T have sold off more than 10% over the last month, signaling some skepticism over the acquisition, and currently sport a high yield of 5.3%. AT&T sent a [...]