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These are our most recent articles. Also see which stocks have been this week’s best and worst performers.

3M (MMM): A Buy and Hold Forever Dividend King

When it comes to dividend growth stocks, there are few better core holdings for one’s portfolio than the legendary dividend kings, companies that have raised their dividend for 50+ straight years. Investors can view all of the dividend kings here.   These are companies that have not just proven to have an ability to steadily grow throughout any kind of economic, interest rate, and political environment, but also have a very dividend-friendly corporate culture that endures periodic management changes.   3M (MMM), with 58 consecutive years of rising dividends, is one such dividend king, and we happen to hold the company in our Top 20 Dividend Stocks portfolio as well.   Let’s take a deep look at what makes up [...]

January 9th, 2017|

Dividend Safety Scores: A Review of 2016

One of the most important components of Simply Safe Dividends is our Dividend Safety Score, a metric that rates the safety of a company’s dividend payment by scrubbing through its most important financial metrics.   Dividend Safety Scores are available on our site for thousands of dividend-paying stocks and can help you avoid riskier investments and build a more resilient income stream. You can read more about how our scores are calculated and view their real-time track record by clicking here.   Dividend Safety Scores range from 0 to 100, and I usually suggest that conservative investors focus on stocks that score at least 60. Scores can be interpreted as follows:     As you know, I believe in complete [...]

December 31st, 2016|

Altria (MO): A Dividend Growth Legend With An Unbeatable Track Record

Many investors believe that the key to exceptional wealth creation is finding the next great growth stock.   In reality, some of the best investments are the most boring, dividend growth focused companies. There are numerous reasons to be a dividend growth investor (see them all here).   Altria (MO), for example, has been the single best performing stock of the last half century.   As seen below, Altria’s annualized return has more than doubled the S&P 500’s return since 1968.   Company Absolute Increase 1968-2016 Total Return (CAGR) Altria 6,648 Fold 20.6% S&P 500 87 Fold 10.0%   What’s even more surprising is that Altria has managed to maintain this level of outperformance during more recent times, when its [...]

December 29th, 2016|

United Parcel Service (UPS): A Quality Dividend Growth Stock Held by Bill Gates

History has taught us that often boring but steadily growing businesses can make the best long-term investments, especially if those companies have a strong commitment to rewarding investors with strong, consistent dividend growth.   United Parcel Service (UPS) is just such a company, slowly but steadily growing into a globe-spanning behemoth that has proven itself excellent at generating growing income and wealth for shareholders over time.   In fact, the company is one of the largest dividend stocks in Bill Gates' concentrated stock portfolio (see analysis of all of Bill Gates' dividend stocks here).   Let’s take a closer look at just what makes UPS so special and, more importantly, if this delivery master is likely to continue to do [...]

December 28th, 2016|
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