Our Portfolios
Quality investment ideas from three unique portfolios that we personally manage and invest in.
Generating safe dividend income and preserving capital are key components of a worry-free retirement. Our Conservative Retirees Portfolio targets a safe dividend yield between 3.5% and 4.5%, annual dividend growth in excess of the rate of inflation, and moderate capital appreciation with less volatility than the broader market (especially during bear markets). Investors looking to live off dividends and sleep well at night should review this portfolio.
Many of the best long-term investments deliver higher earnings and dividends year after year. Our Long-term Dividend Growth Portfolio invests in companies with the strongest outlooks for long-term dividend growth. The portfolio targets a dividend yield between 1.5% and 2.5% and an annual dividend growth rate that is much faster than the broader market’s dividend growth. Investors looking for high rates of income growth should review this portfolio.
Providing a blend of income and growth, our Top 20 Dividend Stocks portfolio targets a dividend yield between 2.5% and 3.5% and above-average dividend growth. The companies in this portfolio combine to yield more than the broader market while providing safer, faster-growing dividend income. Investors seeking a combination of above-average yields, solid dividend growth prospects, and healthy total returns should review this portfolio.