Hey there, I’m Matt, Brian’s new CTO at Simply Safe Dividends, and here’s the story of how I arrived here…
I remember the first time I traded a stock. It was Google in 2008. My thinking was simple: buy low and sell high!
I had no clue what I was doing. Over the course of a few months, I bought and sold Google based solely on whether the price had gone up or down.
Here’s my complete trading history for Google between October 2008 and May 2009:
Let me do the math for you: I lost $55 after trading fees. To be honest, I probably didn’t even realize I lost money back then. I just traded willy-nilly.
I was mystified by this whole experience. So I turned to a friend who I heard had been doing well as a day trader. He was trading penny stocks using a fancy technique called “technical analysis”. Sounded impressive.
He gave me a copy of the book he considered to be his bible: Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes.
Now, I think I’m reasonably smart. I have degrees in physics, math, and economics.
But two pages into this book I had zero clue what was being discussed. Charts, graphs, and incomprehensible terminology abounded. How could anyone make sense of this stuff!?
Not only that, but it was utterly boring material. Could this really be how people make money in the stock market? I thought.
By this point, I was completely turned off to investing in the stock market. I wanted nothing to do with this mystical beast and its crazy charts and terminology.
Google was the first and last stock I traded. That is, until a month ago when I joined Simply Safe Dividends…
Joining Simply Safe Dividends
Brian and I have known each other for close to a decade. We went to college together, and we’ve worked on previous businesses together. He was even a groomsmen at my wedding!
So I was one of the first to know in 2015 when Brian conceived of and started Simply Safe Dividends. Brian came to me and planted the seed that I might work with him on the business.
But I was completely uninterested in anything to do with the stock market. Greed, financial jargon, zillions of charts and numbers, the Wolf of Wall Street… I wanted nothing to do with any of that.
Over the course of the next year, Brian and I continued to discuss about his business and its progress. Month after month, Brian’s narrative of Simply Safe Dividends became clearer and more relatable.
The people he was helping were retired folks who relied on their nest egg to fund their retirement. These people needed help investing responsibly in the stock market. Many of them were novice investors.
Brian’s customers weren’t trying to beat the market (a fool’s errand). They didn’t want to thumb through endless pages of stock charts. They just wanted to build a portfolio of safe dividend stocks and get on with life in their golden years.
What problems did these retired folks face? The same ones I had as an 18-year-old trading Google stock: mysticism of the stock market and frustration over the lack of good advice.
Little by little, I realized Brian was on to something meaningful.
This past December, I signed the paperwork to become Brian’s business partner. In January I started work.
My title is CTO. My experience is with designing and building websites. Given Brian’s experience as a stock analyst, we will complement each other quite well.
But what matters to me most is that we’re in this to take the black magic out of investing. There’s no reason people should have to cope with the current state of investing: confusing jargon, endless gimmicks from websites and financial institutions, headaches from trying to comprehend what a number or chart means.
There’s a lot of work to do, and I couldn’t be more excited for the road ahead.
Welcome fellow team mate! I too have spent a long time investing, and tried every get rich quick scheme in the book. Only in the past 3-4 years did I “get religion” and finally came to terms with the truth that long-term, buy and hold dividend growth investing is the BEST means of achieving financial independence:)
I hear you! It’s hard for the average Joe to know that holding investments forever is a good idea when the front page of the New York Times business section is about trading algorithms based on Trump’s tweets…
Hi Brian!
So glad you joined the team. Let us know when the IPO is so we can get in on the ground floor of SSD’s.
Hi Matt……..welcome aboard! I think you and Brian will compliment each other well. I absolutely love Simply Safe Dividends and look forward to what the site will continue to deliver in the future!
Thanks Darren! I’m excited to build off of what Brian has created.
Welcome to the business Matt!
Thank you!
Hi Matt!
I am new to SSD, although I’ve been investing in dividend stocks since 2010. I spent 5 years chasing hot stocks before my discovery of dividend growth investing … I had decent success during those 5 years, but I found I could not sleep at night … my high growth companies would go up or down 20+% on earnings announcements … it was very hit or miss.
Although I just signed up, I am hoping to see some new features:
– Portfolio Import
– Safety and growth ratings over time / trends
I’m sure you have a lot of ideas your self … is there a list of feature improvements you are working on first?
Welcome Matt! Im as new to this service as you are (joined a few months ago) and im excited to see what the future brings.
Hey Matt, Glad you’re on Board. I’m a loyal IU Grad living in Atlanta……i’m presuming you went to IU also????
SSD family expands! Great!
I like the fact, that SSD is getting more known by the day it seems!
Very well deserved as I do not know any other source available that pinpoints the focus laserlike to dividends. How on earth did I manage without your service, I am flabbergasted.
Nevertheless …may I take the opportunity and liberty to suggest one or two wishes to Matt the IT wizard 😉
-> I would love to import dividend payment schedules to my smartphone calender. Brian described some workarounds but, well, it is awkward and the opposite of elegant.
-> How about an official application (app) by the way?
-> Breaking news alert would be terrific. Dividend announcement, new article, recommendation. Seeking Alpha sends far too much, often unrelated to dividends.
Thanks for taking the patience to read my suggestions and regardless of the fact that they might materialize or not I will stay a happy subscriber anyway!!!!!
So all the best Matt and thank you Brian!
Best wishes!
Thorsten aka Don´t Panic 42 (seeking alpha)
Welcome, Matt.
In the short time that I have been a member, I have grown considerably in the use of this application, and it seems to me that some tweaks have been made already. It is indeed exciting to have your development expertise added to Brian’s knowledge of finance and markets. Looking forward to learning ever more from you both.
Best wishes. Don
Matt Welcome!!
I enjoyed our conversation earlier with you and Brian. I look forward to seeing your “Wizardry” on the site.
One idea to chew on. How about a page similar to the Stock Talk page on SA only open to members and limited to dividend stocks on the “CCC” list or more refined to the Aristocrats only. Tossed this in here to also let others give you feed back on whether they would use and enjoy it.
Hi Matt — welcome!
As a reasonably new user, I am impressed by the amount of information available and the way it is arranged.though SSD. I hope to use it for many years!
As one that is not an IT professional, but have worked with them, I have developed a fairly high level of paranoia about cloud security, so on my wish list for SSD is a full review of site and and database security. Most of the screens do not seem to be secure (http vs https), which makes me a bit nervous, and I have no awareness of how the database is encrypted. So, I would like to see this as one of your first projects.
Thanks for listening to a someone that only has enough knowledge to be dangerous and best of luck!
Matt, pleased to learn of your arrival. I believe Brian’s SSD is quite a useful analytical/comparative methodology, but it could use some access and usage refinements. I will be interested in seeing what you can do to facilitate improved clarity of the quite substantial volume of data Brian presents. Good luck and best wishes.
Kent Pietsch
Glad to hear things moving forward.
Couple of thoughts for improvement…
Ability to import specific my portfolios.
Ability to export all data from Portfolio Analyzer.
Ability to handle preferred shares.
Somehow come up with a way to deal with CEFs, ETFs, Mutual Funds…knowing that this might be difficult for you to be totally accurate because of the nature of these….but I’ll be I am not the only one with pretty significant holdings in these. And if trying to truly analyze, these need to be taken into account in some fashion. I do understand that you attempt this with ETFs by (arbitrarily??) assigning 50/50 for safety and growth. If you could somehow come up with some sort of better way to account for these in a portfolio that would be good. Again I understand the nature of those products may prevent that from being totally accurate.
Welcome aboard, Matt! We look forward to your added expertise.
Welcome, Matt.
As long as we are bidding welcome AND asking for favours, here’s my chief wish. It takes a few too many key strokes to get to the stock analyzer. I won’t bore you with a step-by-step description. Try it yourself and you’ll see.
Otherwise, this is in every way a great site.
Hey Toby, I know what you mean. I use the Stock Analyzer myself regularly to research companies for my own portfolio.
You have indeed joined a “noble cause”. SSD has become an indispensable part of my retirement planning. I (and many others I am sure) rely on it heavily to keep our family’s nest egg safe and secure!
If you remind yourself of that awesome responsibility every day, you will know what’s best to do.
Welcome Aboard!
Welcome, welcome…as a recent new (and now devoted) subscriber to Brian’s site, it is great to know he got you to come on board. it is a unique resource, for which we are grateful. perhaps now you can try your hand at a bit of further investing. 🤓
Hi Matt…We’re all looking forward to your expertise and contributions. I’ve been an individual investor for about 30 years and I think Brian has really nailed down the business model for investors like me. I am hoping you can further improve on Brian’s excellent site by “corralling” all the big data out there and customizing it for DGI investors with an easy to use GUI.
For example, I would love to see a trend plot for dividend safety and growth scores. I would also love to be able to print or download reports to excel. Etc.
Welcome Matt, We are glad you are here to help keep things moving forward. This web site has indeed helped my husband and I establish some nice portfolios! Exciting stuff. Cheers!